
Can You Breathe Out Fats?

At times when we exercise our bodies burn fat as fuel as an alternative energy source to our bodies stores of Glycogen (Glucose). When this takes place do you know where all that fat actually goes? If you don’t, you’re not alone. A recent survey conducted by researchers at the University of New South Wales in Australia asked a group of 150 Doctors, Personal Trainers and Dieticians where the fat goes when a person loses weight. The results of that simple...

Whole Foods

The simple definition of Whole Foods is they are food that has not been processed or refined before consumption. The primary benefit of Whole Foods is that they retain important fiber, nutrients, minerals and water that are generally lost within food that has been processed or refined. Many consumers understanding of Whole Foods is that they need to be Organic which is not the case at all. Organic food products are not necessarily always complete whole foods. In general Organic food...

Why Swimming May Be The Best Exercise As You Age

This article by Karen Rowan on is another great example of why swimming is essential as you get older! Falling down and getting hurt is a big problem for older adults, and researchers think that physical activity may lower people’s risk of falls. But now, a new study suggests that the only type of exercise that lowers older adults’ risk of falls is swimming. Researchers in Australia looked at about 1,700 men age 70 and older, and compared the types...

Why Are Swimming Skills So Important?

As we approach the New Year, I am reflecting on the overwhelming number of people I speak to on a daily basis that STILL don’t know how to swim! The American Red Cross conducted a recent survey and discovered that nearly half of American adults can not swim (their definition for the purpose of the survey “adults should be able to float or tread water for about a minute. Then be able to turn yourself so you...

Abigail’s Story

Meet Abigail, a junior coach at Swim Strong: My name is Abigail and I am 12 years old. I have been a Girl Scout for 5 years and as a Cadette, I get to work on my Silver Award, which is the 2nd level service project with Girl Scouts. We are supposed to choose a project based on something we are passionate about. I decided to pursue Swim Strong Foundation for my Silver Award project because of my passion and love...

Body Composition Analysis

Body Composition Analysis can tell you your amount of body fat and the amount of lean body mass you have, and help you find the appropriate balance between the two which will be your ideal healthy weight. The term body composition is mentioned by Personal Trainers, Strength and Conditioning Coaches and Dieticians on a regular basis but what does body composition mean? There are a number of differing charts and opinions that circulate that give an idea of the range...

Energy drinks cause heart problems: new research

Barcelona, Spain – Sunday 31 August 2014 Energy drinks can cause heart problems according to research presented at ESC Congress 2014 today by Professor Milou-Daniel Drici from France. Professor Drici said: “So-called ‘energy drinks’ are popular in dance clubs and during physical exercise, with people sometimes consuming a number of drinks one after the other. This situation can lead to a number of adverse conditions including angina, cardiac arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat) and even sudden death.” He added: “Around 96% of these...


Everything, living or non-living, is either acidic or alkaline. The natural processes in the human body are designed to consume alkaline foods. Our blood’s pH level is primarily determined by the food we consume. To resist the harsh effects of oxidation, viruses, bacteria, inflammation and various levels of disease our diet should consist of approximately 60% Alkaline Forming Foods so we can maintain optimal vibrant health. Most people are simply not aware or educated that our body must balance the...