Swim Strong in Africa

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swimming in Rawanda

Swim Strong in Africa

Come, share my wonderful adventure in East Africa!  I was drawn by a lifelong desire to participate in a photo safari….but that just scratched the surface.
While there, I discovered that the African continent leads the world in drowning deaths at more than 20%.  That the ”hotspot” of drowning in Africa is at Lake Victoria, where every year more than 500 people die in its waters.  Not recreational swimmers….but people who made their livelihood on those waters.

I was also able to conduct classes in Rwanda and Kenya, delivering both in water and out of water training.   Swim Strong’s dry side training. “Know Before You Go®” addresses the dangers of water from inside our homes to where we meet it in the outdoors.  We are in discussions now as to how to expand that training throughout Rwanda and Kenya….and YES, even up in Lake Victoria.

If you’re interested in helping us save and change lives in Africa please donate via this link.

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