Swim Strong Foundation is at a new location Medgar Evers College

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Swim Strong Foundation is at a new location Medgar Evers College

Swim Strong Foundation is at a new location Medgar Evers College.

July 1, 2019 (New York, NY) – The Swim Strong Foundation, a New York non-profit dedicated to teaching swimming skills in underserved communities will offer swim lessons in Crown Heights.

Swim Strong Foundation is working to change lives by offering free or low-cost swim lessons in pools across New York City, so families can access life-saving lessons regardless of their ability to pay or travel. This new location is a centrally located transportation hub. For directions you can use the MTA App or other form of GPS system.

“Our mission is to save, and change, lives through water safety education and by teaching swimming skills,” Slevin said. “By offering these swim classes, we are building awareness about the importance of swimming and water safety to stop preventable drownings as well as the added health benefits of swimming.”

This new Swim Strong Foundation swimming site will be held at the following location:

Medgar Evers High School and College, 1150 Carroll Street, Brooklyn, NY 11225.

Saturday, 7/6-8/31    9:00-11:00am

Class link: https://www.swimstrongfoundation.org/product/medgar-evers-learn-swim-wednesday-july-aug-2019/


To date, Swim Strong Foundation has offered 2,575 scholarships and taught more than 8,700 New Yorkers how to swim since its founding in 2009.

About Swim Strong Foundation:

Swim Strong Foundation is a New York City based non-profit dedicated to helping people of all ages learn life-saving swimming skills. We provide low to no cost water safety and swim lessons at various pools across New York City.

Contact Shawn Slevin for more information.



Shawn Slevin

Founder, Swim Strong Foundation



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