RAW NATURAL SPEED (RNS) – How Genes, Muscles, Tendons and Somatotype Can Create This! (Guest Writer: Paul Barry)

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RAW NATURAL SPEED (RNS) – How Genes, Muscles, Tendons and Somatotype Can Create This! (Guest Writer: Paul Barry)

RNS is a very interesting aspect of human athleticism! This is a base level overview of the natural physiological inputs relating to raw athletic speed. Athletes trained for speed adaptations by enhancing energy system capacities, technical efficiencies, breaking down technique & rebuilding e.g., midfoot strike, shin at 90 degrees, quick ground strike, head height level plane etc, aren’t the purpose or a focus of this article.

RNS is not only measurable but visually observable! It includes explosive speed from blocks or a stationary start, the ability to accelerate very quickly i.e., requires a high rate of force development (RFD), the ability to cover a shorter distance extremely quickly e.g., 10m sprint test to measure acceleration abilities, single direction sprint tests 20m, 30m & 40m to measure an athlete’s linear speed capabilities, the distance and time required to reach maximum velocity and/or maintain max velocity, maximum velocity speed etc.,

Genes play a key role in determining the impact a person can naturally receive relative to RNS. Many people who reflect RNS traits athletically from a young age through to puberty receive it from genomes. There are two primary traits that genomes create through gene expression regarding RNS, and a person may benefit from either one or both:

1/.  Higher % of Type 2 brown (Fast Twitch) muscle fibres in their lean skeletal muscle mass (LSMM). Type 2 muscles fibres twitch faster due to electrical impulses firing at a much quicker rate than standard Type 1 white muscle fibres.

2/. Achillies Tendon (AT) with a Faster Cycle Rate. The AT is the largest tendon in our bodies commencing as two tendons originating (Point of Origin) behind the knee prior to merging together at the upper calf muscle (Soleus) & inserting into the heel bone (Calcaneus). The AT cycle rate plays a vital role in performance in the lower part of our Lower Kinetic Chain (LKC).  Our LKC covers all joints, muscles, tendons, & connective tissue from our toes up to & including our core. From a swimming or running perspective this includes most components of RNS.

The AT functional cycle comprises no tension on the tendon, through to full tension & return to no tension. The quicker that cycle can repeat the faster the person can accelerate & perform dynamically. Genes can express in two ways on the AT to naturally enhance RNS with just one providing RNS while will produce explosive rapid acceleration & power! The benefit of AT gene based RNS is that this natural gift can continue to be trained for additional enhancement of athletic performance!

Somatotype relates to a category that people are assigned according to the extent to which their bodily physique conforms to one of three basic body types. It was a constitutional theory coined as a taxonomy in the late 1940’s by US psychologist William Sheldon. It categorised the human physique into shared characteristics that covered broad boundaries popular at the time in anthropology including human temperament, intelligence, moral worth, future achievement, & mental characteristics. The athletic aspects are still highly relevant within physical education, strength & conditioning & human athletic performance! One of the three body types is Mesomorphic that through gene expression has major benefits towards RNS. They are born with a higher % of lean skeletal muscle mass, can develop new muscle easier, contain more brown type 2 fast twitch muscle &have lower levels of body fat. Mesomorphs who take care of their diet, focussed exercise, recovery (including sleep hygiene) have a major advantage for speed, strength, power, & athleticism than Ectomorphic body types that make up appx 70% of the population.

Non mesomorph athletes do have a natural handicap! However, any athlete who has focus towards undertaking disciplined necessary training with a highly knowledgeable & experienced coach can develop very high levels of raw speed via recruiting fast twitch fibres, adaptation of their Achilles Tendon to create a shorter cycle & other methods that create appropriate physiological adaptations. This is just one of many holistic athletic performance areas I specialise in as a high-performance coach & consultant! Ectomorphs can become extremely rapid in the speed department from smart, efficient & effective training methodologies! Within the constraints of physics, speed adaptations, energy system adaptations, lean skeletal muscle development for speed/power, more Type 2 Brown muscle etc. can be continually developed to assist athletes towards optimal performance potential through faster reaction times, quicker movement of mass off start, faster m/s, enhanced skill work, more efficient u/water fly kick counts to breakout, lowered lactate levels reduced stroke count to maintain times, higher FES/BES etc.

Our guest writer is Paul Barry from Brisbane, Queensland, Australia who is an International Sports High Performance Coach & Consultant working with swimmers and other athletes up to International Level on National Teams. He specialises in utilising multiple qualifications, knowledge, experience and creative thought processes and systems to create bespoke holistic periodised training programs that enhance all aspects of athlete performance to produce consistent optimal performance levels!

Email: pbelitecoach@gmail.com

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