It was time for Annamaria, is it time for you?

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It was time for Annamaria, is it time for you?

Hi, my name is Annamaria, a 52 year old successful executive. The
last time i swam was when I was 16 years old. I nearly drowned and
was saved by a life guard. That day changed my life and I have feared
water ever since. 36 years later and I still am so afraid of the
water that I start shaking when I am near it.

Two years ago I started working with a person who has two daughters
that compete in swimming. The girls devote time to help others learn to
swim through a not for profit organization called Swim Strong Foundation. It
took me two years to get up the courage to ask to be introduced to the
founder, Shawn Slevin. I explained my situation and that my fear has
been stronger than my desire to learn how to swim for too many years.
It was time to make a change and face my fears head on.

Shawn and her passionate staff held my hand and made sure of my safety.
However even with all the support my fear was stronger than anything I can
explain. But slowly, I started to relax. I found I was able to control
body in the water. If I fell over …I could get up. I could open my
eyes in the water, I could both hold my breath and then exhale. I
could float on my stomach and my back. I could kick into a glide,
then added my arms. I was swimming!

Today, I am jumping in 9 feet of water all by myself (instructors are
there just in case) I am really doing it on my own. Really really really!!! I
still have much to learn and fear Is still in the back of my mind. my
goal is to get rid of this fear once and for all, get ready to prepare
myself to become a proficient swimmer get accredited so I in turn can
donate my time and pay forward the kindness and generosity that was given
to me.

Fear is such a horrible thing that keeps you a victim forever. For
me, thanks to Swim Strong Foundation I can say they have shown me a
new path. I am an almost fearless swimmer!!!

As I write this I have tears of joy. I am grateful to Shawn and all
those swim instructors that have helped me get this far.

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